Separamos nesse post uma lista dos Phrasal Verbs mais utilizados e que podem causar uma certa confusão.
To Call (chamar)
Call for (exigir, requerer)
Call in (convidar)
Call off (cancelar)
Call out (gritar para)
Call up (telefonar)
Call back (Retornar a ligação)
To Get (obter, receber, pegar)
Get in (entrar)
Get out (sair, livrar-se de algo)
Get into (entrar)
Get off (sair, descer, apesar de)
Get on (subir, montar)
Get up (levantar-se)
Get at (insinuar)
Get back (voltar, retornar)
Get away (escapar, sair de férias)
Get away with (safar-se)
Get around (persuadir)
Get on with (continuar, prosseguir)
Get along with (dar-se bem com alguém)
Get home (chegar em casa)
Get over (superar, livra-se de)
Get over with (terminar, acabar)
To Give (dar, oferecer)
Give up (desistir)
Give in (ceder, entregar-se)
Give off (exalar)
Give out (chegar ao fim)
Give away (doar)
Give back (devolver)
Give onto (dar para)
She insisted on buying a dog for about an hour, then I had to give in.
No matter how long it takes, I will not give up.
No matter how long it takes, I will not give up.
When we decided to move in together, I had to give all my furniture away.
To Go (ir)
Go after (ir atrás, perseguir)
Go at (atacar, lançar-se sobre)
Go back (retornar)
Go away (partir, ir embora)
Go up (subir)
Go down (descer)
Go for (ir buscar)
Go off (exploder)
Go on (continuar)
Go in (entrar)
Go out (sair)
Go over (rever, repassar)
Go with (combinar com)
Go against (resistir)It’s our wedding anniversary, of course I want to go out tonight!
To Go (ir)
Go after (ir atrás, perseguir)
Go at (atacar, lançar-se sobre)
Go back (retornar)
Go away (partir, ir embora)
Go up (subir)
Go down (descer)
Go for (ir buscar)
Go off (exploder)
Go on (continuar)
Go in (entrar)
Go out (sair)
Go over (rever, repassar)
Go with (combinar com)
Go against (resistir)It’s our wedding anniversary, of course I want to go out tonight!
I had to go through that experience to learn the lesson.
Don’t stop reading, please go on!
To Look (olhar)
Look after (cuidar de)
Look at (olhar para)
Look for (procurar)
Look up (consultar livro)
Look up to (admirar)
Look into (examinar, analisar)
Look over (revisar)
Look out for (tomar cuidado)
Look forward to (aguardar ansiosamente)
Look down on (menosprezar)
Look at me when I'm talking to you.
I can’t go, I have to look after my little brother today.
I’m looking for George, have you seen him?
To Make (fazer)
Make into (transformer)
Make off (fugir, escaper)
Make out (preencher cheque)
Make out (entender, captar)
Make up (inventar, criar, maquiar ou fazer as pazes)
To Put (pôr, colocar)
Put aside (guardar, economizar)
Put away (guardar, pôr no lugar)
Put down (humilhar, largar)
Put on (vestir)
Put off (adiar)
Put out (pôr para for a)
Put up (hospedar)
Put together (preparar, montar)
Put up with (tolerar, suportar)
It’s not allowed to smoke in here, please put it out.
Nobody likes him at the office, he always puts down all the employees.
Adam is so annoying, I just can’t put up with him!
To Take
Take apart (desmontar)
Take after (puxar, assemelhar-se)
Take away (levar embora)
Take back (devolver)
Take down (derrubar)
Take in (enganar)
Take off (tirar, decolar)
Take on (contratar)
Take out (levar para for a)
Take over (assumir chefia, direção)
To Take
Take apart (desmontar)
Take after (puxar, assemelhar-se)
Take away (levar embora)
Take back (devolver)
Take down (derrubar)
Take in (enganar)
Take off (tirar, decolar)
Take on (contratar)
Take out (levar para for a)
Take over (assumir chefia, direção)
Please, take down some items we have to buy at the supermarket
What you said offended me, please take it back.
When her father dies, she will take over all the family business.
To Turn (transformar)
Turn up (chegar, aparecer, aumentar)
Turn into (tornar-se)
Turn down (rejeitar, recusar, abaixar)
Turn on (ligar, abrir, acender)
Turn off (desligar, apagar, fechar)
Turn over (virar
To Turn (transformar)
Turn up (chegar, aparecer, aumentar)
Turn into (tornar-se)
Turn down (rejeitar, recusar, abaixar)
Turn on (ligar, abrir, acender)
Turn off (desligar, apagar, fechar)
Turn over (virar
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