segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2019

How much x How many

Algumas regrinhas da gramática Inglesa muitas vezes parecem não fazer sentido para a gente, pois em nossa língua uma expressão serve para todas as coisas como é o caso do "quantos" que só precisamos verificar se está no plural ou no feminino, já em Inglês essa preocupação não existe, no entanto temos duas expressões com mesmo significado que são utilizadas em momentos diferentes.

Vamos descobrir quais são?

Antes de compreender quando utilizar o "how much" ou "how many" e descobrir quais são contáveis (countable) e quais são incontáveis (uncountable) vamos nos atentar ao significado das palavras: 

Much significa muito:

Note, em português nós dizemos, muito café, muito arroz, muito açúcar, então, em inglês vamos dizer, much coffee, much rice, much sugar...

Many significa muitos:

Prestaram atenção no "s"? Em português temos, muitos livros, muitos amigos, muitas canetas... Ou seja, seguindo a lógica, em inglês fica, many books, many friends, many pens...

Conseguiram assimilar?

Resultado de imagem para how many x how much

How much x How many

A lógica praticamente é a mesma! 
How much significa quanto para "coisas" incontáveis e How many para "coisas" contáveis.

Vejamos um exemplo:

How many books did you buy?
How much coffee should you drink?

Conseguiu compreender?

Então para facilitar sua vida, separamos uma listinha com alguns substantivos contáveis e incontáveis considerados na Língua Inglesa:

Countable nouns (substantivos contáveis) são aqueles que têm tanto a forma singular quanto plural:

cat - cats
table - tables
book - books
newspaper - newspapers
pen - pens

Uncountable nouns (substantivos incontáveis) é o nome que damos para as coisas que só existem no plural. 


Para facilitar o entendimento:

- Não podemos dizer one water, three salts, two moneys, five musics.

- Os substantivos incontáveis nunca são precedidos pelos artigos indefinidos a/an:

a water
a money
a salt
an ink

- Os substantivos incontáveis frequentemente indicam:

- substância - food (comida), iron (ferro), water (água)
- atividades - help (ajuda), travel (viagem), work (trabalho)
- qualidades humanas - courage (coragem), cruelty (crueldade), honesty (honestidade)
- ideias abstratas - beauty (beleza), freedom (liberdade), life (vida), luck (sorte), time (tempo)

Atenção: Muitas vezes falamos certas coisas no plural: duas águas, três cafés, seis cervejas. Mas, as pessoas esquecem que nesses casos, não contamos o líquido. O que contamos é a quantidade que compramos ou tomamos. Logo, é preciso colocar em contexto para entender a diferença. Ou seja, quando alguém diz “traz duas águas pra mim”, o que ela quer dizer é “traz duas garrafas de água pra mim”.

No dia a dia, nós cortamos a sentença, pois já está claro no contexto o que queremos dizer. Se você entender isso, certamente compreenderá a ideia de countable and uncountable nouns. 

Outros exemplos:

Eu quero duas cervejas. (Eu quero duas latinhas de cerveja.)
Ela tomou seis cafés. (Ela tomou seis xícaras de café.)

Em inglês informal isso também é possível. Então, você poderá ouvir alguém dizer algo como “I want two beers” e “she had six coffees”. Mas, nesses casos, lembre-se que a pessoa estará se referindo à quantidade (dos recipientes) e não ao liquido em si.

Em inglês há coisas que são incontáveis e para nós são contáveis. Um exemplo é a palavra pão. Em português, temos o plural pães. Portanto, contamos: um pão, dois pães, três pães, etc. Já em inglês, bread é incontável, ou seja, nunca diga one bread, two breads, three breads… O melhor é dizer a roll of bread (um pão), two rolls of bread (dois pães), three rolls of bread (três pães) e assim por diante.

Há mais palavras usadas assim, separamos as mais comuns

information (informação)
slang (gíria)
baggage e luggage (bagagem),
furniture (mobília, móveis)
advice (conselho)
fruit (fruta)

Esperamos que esse post tenha te ajudado a compreender as diferenças.

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segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2019

Atividades - Comparative x Superlative

No post da semana passada, estudamos sobre os adjetivos no modo Comparativo e Superlativo. Neste post, estamos disponibilizando algumas atividades com gabarito para que você teste seus conhecimentos.

Let's go do it?

Escolha a opção correta:

1 - I am ___ in my class.
     a) the more short
     b) shorter
     c) the shortest
     d) the shorter
     e) the most short

2 - She is the ___ writter in her city.
     a) most
     b) best
     c) goodest
     d) gooder
     e) more good

3 - He forgot to tell us about the ___ city of this country.
     a) moust dangerous
     b) more dangerous
     c) dangerouest
     d) dangerouer
     e) most dangerous

4 - I think beer is ___ than coffee.
     a) worse
     b) badder
     c) worst
     d) more bad
     e) the baddest

5 - Mary is ___ than Susy.

     a) more beautifuler
     b) more beautiful
     c) beautifuler
     d) the beautifulest
     e) beautifullest

6 - You made ___ essay of the class.
     a) the most
     b) the more big
     c) biggest
     d) the biggest
     e) the bigger

7 - His grandfather is ___ in his family.
     a) more old
     b) the more old
     c) the more older
     d) the more oldest
     e) the oldest 

8- Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente: Big and Good.
      a) Biger/ The Bigest // Goodier/ The Goodiest
      b) Big/ The Bigger // Best/ The best
      c) Bigger/ The Bigest // Best/ The best
      d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best    

9 - The more we looked at your bedroom, _________ we liked it.
      a) better
      b) the less
      c) most
      d) the best

10 -That table is __________ than this one.
      a) long
      b) more long
      c) longest
      d) longer
      e) most long

11 - Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente: Large and Small.
      a) Larger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smallest
      b) Largger/ The larger // Smaler/ The Smallest
      c) Larger/ The larggest // Smaler/ The Smalest
      d) Largger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smalest

12 - Papyrus was used ____________ than paper.
      a) early
      b) earlier
      c) more early
      d) earlyer
      e) earliest

13 - Qual é o adjetivo irregular que é "better" no comparativo e "best" no superlativo? 

14 - Como fica o adjetivo irregular "little" no comparativo?  

15 - Como o adjetivo "pretty" fica no comparativo?  

Resultado de imagem para comparatives and superlatives


1 - c), 2 - b), 3 - e), 4- a) 5 - b), 6 - d), 7 - e), 8 -d), 9- b), 10-d), 11-a), 12 -b).
13 - good
14 - less
15 - prettier

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quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2019

Comparative x Superlative

Nesse post vamos falar sobre as regrinhas básicas para o uso do Comparative (Comparativo) e do Superlative (Superlativo).

Primeiro precisamos saber a diferença entre ambos:

Usamos o comparativo para comparar uma pessoa ou coisa com uma outra;
Usamos o superlativo para comparar uma pessoa ou coisa com mais de uma outra.

Agora que já sabemos suas funções, precisamos estar atentos há
 três coisas que devemos lembrar quando falamos de comparativos e superlativos:

1 - Adjetivos de uma sílaba
2 - Adjetivos de duas sílabas
3 - Adjetivos de três ou mais sílabas.


Uma sílaba: 

Adicionamos a terminação er para formar o comparativo da maioria dos adjetivos com uma sílaba:

Clean - cleaner

Cold - colder
Tall - taller

Curitiba is smaller than Sao Paulo.
Curitiba é menor que São Paulo.

Adjetivos formados por consoante, vogal, consoante ou terminados com essa sequência, dobramos a consoante final.

hot - hotter
big - bigger
fat - fatter
sad - sadder
wet - wetter .

Duas sílabas:

Se o adjetivo tiver duas sílabas e terminar em 'y', trocamos o 'y' por 'i' e acrescentamos er:

Busy - busier
Pretty - prettier
Noizy - noisier

Is an elephant heavier than a horse?
Um elefante é mais pesado que um cavalo?

Os demais com duas sílabas e não terminados com 'y', acrescentamos o "more" na frente do adjetivo.

Upset - more upset  
Boring - more boring 

Alguns adjetivos de duas sílabas podemos utilizar as duas formas:

Clever - Cleverer - more clever 
Common - Commoner - more common  
Narrow - Narrower - more narrow
Pleasant - pleasanter - more pleasant
Quiet - quieter - more quiet
Simple - simpler - more simple
Stupid - stupider - more stupider

Três ou mais sílabas: 

Acrescentamos more antes de adjetivos com três sílabas ou mais:

Expensive - more expensive
Beautiful - more beautiful
Handsome - more handsome
This car is more comfortable than that one.
Este carro é mais confortável que alquele

Lembrando que ao fazer comparações, além de acrescentar o er ao final dos adjetivos ou more na frente deles, utilizamos o "than" (do que) após o adjetivo.

Comparative: scale compared


Uma sílaba: 

Formamos o superlativo acrescentando est ao final do adjetivo:

Clean - cleanest
Cold - coldest
Tall - tallest

Adjetivos formados por consoante, vogal, consoante ou terminados com essa sequência, dobramos a consoante final

hot - hottest
big - biggest
fat - fattest
sad - saddest
wet - wettest

I have the smallest car.
Eu tenho o menor carro (de todos).

Duas sílabas 

Se o adjetivo tiver duas sílabas e terminar em 'y', trocamos o 'y' por 'i' e acrescentamos est:

Busy - busiest
Pretty - prettiest
Noizy - noisiest

He is the heaviest
Ele é o mais pesado (de todos)

Os demais, acrescenta-se "most" antes dos adjetivos.

Upset - the most upset
Boring - the most boring

Adjetivos que podemos utilizar nas duas formas:

Clever - clerevest - most clever
Common - commonest - most common
Narrow - narrowest - most narrow
Pleasant - pleasantest - most pleasant
Quiet - quietest - most quiet
Simple - simpletest - most simple

Lembrando que além de acrescentar o est ao final da palavra ou "most" antes do adjetivo, também acrescentamos o artigo definido "the" antes deles.

Três ou mais sílabas: 

Usamos most antes de adjetivos com três ou mais sílabas:Expensive - most expensive
Beautiful - most beautiful
Handsome - most handsome

Irregular comparatives:

Adjetivo - Comparativo - Superlativo

Bad ----->    worse --->     the worst
Far ----->     farther --->    the farthest
Good -->     better ---->    the best
Little --->     less ------->   the least
Much --->    more ----->   the most

Many --->    more ----->   the most

Who has the most comfortable car?
Quem tem o carro mais confortável? (de todos)


He has the most money = Ele é quem tem mais dinheiro.
She has the least money = Ela é quem tem menos dinheiro.

We hope that helps you!

Lembrando que estamos a disposição para ajudá-lo a sanar suas dúvidas, basta entrar em contato!

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quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2019

Atividades - Past Perfect Continuous

Para ajudá-lo a compreender melhor como funciona algumas regras da Língua Inglesa sempre disponibilizamos algumas atividades, dessa vez o foco é o Past Perfect Continuous.
Vamos ver se você consegue acertar todas as questões?
Lembrando que qualquer dúvida nos procure para que possamos esclarecê-la e, se você gostou do nosso conteúdo, compartilhe com seus amigos!

1 - Complete as sentenças utilizando a conjugação do verbo de acordo com a frase.

1) I _________ (work) all day, so I didn't want to go out..
2) She _________(sleep) for ten hours when I woke her.
3) They ________(live) in Beijing for three years when he lost his job.
4) When we met, you _______ (work) at that company for six months.
5) We ________ (eat) all day, so we felt a bit ill.
6) He was red in the face because he ________ (run) .
7) It _______ (rain) and the road was covered in water.
8) I was really tired because I _______ (study) .
9) We ______ (go) out for three years when we got married.
10) It _______ (snow) for three days.

2 - Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect progressive).

a) We (sleep) _________  for 12 hours when he woke us up.
b) They (wait) __________ at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.
c) We (look for) _________  her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom.
d) I (not / walk) __________  for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.
e) How long (learn / she) _________ English before she went to London?
f) Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing) _________ in the rain too long.
g) He (drive) __________  less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.
h)They were very tired in the evening because they (help) __________ on the farm all day.
i) I (not / work) __________  all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.
j) They (cycle) __________ all day so their legs were sore in the evening.

3 - Qual das frases abaixo não está no past perfect continuous?

a) We had been traveling since 2013.
b) Had you been swimming?
c) It had been raining hard for several hours.
d) You have not been waiting here for two hours.
e) Had he been talking with her?

4. Escreva a frase abaixo nas formas negativa e interrogativa:

She had been drinking all day.

5. Conjugue o verbo To Know (saber) no past perfect continuous:

Imagem relacionada


1 - 1) had been working
2) had been sleeping 

3) had been living
4) had been working
5) had been eating
6) had been running
7) had been raining
8) had been studying
9) had been going 
10) had been snowing
2 - a) had been sleeping 
b) had been waiting
c) had been looking for
d) had not been walking
e) had she been learning
f) had been singing
g) had been driving
h) had been helping
i) had not been working
j) had been cycling 
3 - Alternativa D
4 - Negative Form: She had not been drinking all day.
Interrogative Form: Had she been drinking all day?
5. I had been knowing
you had been knowing
he/she/it had been knowing
we had been knowing
you had been knowing
they had been knowing

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sábado, 2 de março de 2019

Atividades - Past Perfect

    Nesse post temos algumas atividades para ajudar a compreender melhor em como utilizar o Verbo no Past Perfect.
    1 - Passe as sentenças a seguir para o “Past Perfect” e complete os espaços com a forma correta dos verbos em parênteses nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa:

    a) He ____________________ (live) in Germany before she went to Brazil.

    b) After I____________________ (eat) the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

    c) If we ____________________ (listen) to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

    d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I ____________________ (leave).

    e) When I ____________________ (finish) lunch, I called him.

    2 - (UNIP) Things ___________ a lot since October.

    a) changed has

    b) are changing

    c) has changed

    d) change

    e) have changed

    3 - Marque a alternativa que apresenta a opção correta do “past perfect”.

    My cousin _________ to me for weeks.

    a) doesn't write

    b) don't write

    c) had not written

    d) has not being written

    e) have written

    4 - Was that 9 o’clock train?  Yes, you ___________ it.

    a) have just missed

    b) has just missed

    c) have just miss

    d) have just missing

    e) had just miss

    5 - Make the positive or negative past perfect simple

    1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film __________(start).

    2) She ______(live) in China before she went to Thailand.

    3) After they _____ (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.

    4) If you _______(listen) to me, you would have got the job.

    5) Julie didn't arrive until after I ________(leave).

    6) When we _______ (finish) dinner, we went out.

    7) The garden was dead because it ________ (be) dry all summer.

    8) He_________ (meet) her somewhere before.

    9) We were late for the plane because we ________ (forget) our passports.

    10) She told me she ___________ (study) a lot before the exam.

    11) The grass was yellow because it __________ (not/rain) all summer.

    12) The lights went off because we __________ (not/pay) the electricity bill.

    13) The children ____________ (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.

    14) They _____________(not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.

    15) We couldn't go into the concert because we ________ (not/bring) our tickets.

    16) She said that she ___________(not/visit) the UK before.

    17) Julie and Anne __________ (not/meet) before the party.

    18) I ________ (not/have) breakfast when he arrived.

    19) He ______ (not/use) email before, so I showed him how to use it.

    20) You ________ (not/study) for the test, so you were very nervous.
    6 - Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect simple).
    a) The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we _____________(build) .
    b) He ____________(not / be) to Cape Town before 1997.
    c) When she went out to play, she _____________ (do / already) her homework.
    d) My brother ate all of the cake that our mum ______________ (make) .
    e) The doctor took off the plaster that he ____________(put on) six weeks before.
    f) The waiter brought a drink that I _____________(not / order) .
    g) I could not remember the poem we ___________(learn) the week before.
    h) The children collected the chestnuts that ______________ (fall) from the tree.
    i) _______________ (he / phone) Angie before he went to see her in London?
    j) She _________________ (not / ride) a horse before that day.

      7 - Past Perfec or Simple Past?
    1 -After Fred ___________(to spend) his holiday in Italy he __________(to want) to learn Italian.

    2 - Jill ____________ (to phone) Dad at work before she __________(to leave) for her trip.

    3 - Susan __________(to turn on) the radio after she ______________ (to wash) the dishes.

    4 - When she __________ (to arrive) the match already __________(to start).

    5 - After the man _________ (to come) home he _________ (to feed) the cat.

    6 - Before he ___________ (to sing) a song he _________ (to play) the guitar.

    7 - She __________ (to watch) a video after the children ____________ (to go) to bed.

    8 - After Eric __________ (to make) breakfast he __________ (to phone) his friend.

    9 - I __________ (to be) very tired because I ________ (to study) too much.

    10 - They _____________(to ride) their bikes before they _________(to meet) their friends.

    Resultado de imagem para past perfect

    1 - a) He had lived in Germany before she went to Brazil.

    b) After I had eaten the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

    c) If we had listened to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

    d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I had left.

    e) When I had finished lunch, I called him.
    2 - e
    3 - c
    4 - a5 -

    1) had started
    2) had lived
    3) had eaten
    4) had listened
    5) had left
    6) had finished
    7) had been
    8) had met
    9) had forgotten
    10) had studied
    11) hadn't rained
    12) hadn't paid
    13) hadn't done
    14) hadn't eaten
    15) hadn't brought
    16) hadn't visited
    17) hadn't met
    18) hadn't had
    19) hadn't used
    20) hadn't studied

    6 -
    The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we had built .
    He had not been to Cape Town before 1997.
    When she went out to play, she had already done her homework.
    My brother ate all of the cake that our mum had made .
    The doctor took off the plaster that he had put on six weeks before.
    The waiter brought a drink that I had not ordered .
    I could not remember the poem we had learned the week before.
    The children collected the chestnuts that had fallen from the tree.
    Had he phoned Angie before he went to see her in London?
    She had not ridden a horse before that day.

    1- After Fred had spent his holiday in Italy he wanted to learn Italian.
    2 - Jill had phoned Dad at work before she left for her trip.
    3 - Susan turned on the radio after she had washed the dishes.
    4 - When she arrived the match had already started .
    5 - After the man had come home he fed the cat.
    6 - Before he sang a song he had played the guitar.
    7 - She watched a video after the children had gone to bed.
    8 - After Eric had made breakfast he phoned his friend.
    9 - I was very tired because I had studied too much.
    10 - They had ridden their bikes before they met their friends.

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