segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2019

Atividades - Conditional Clauses/Sentences

Hello! Hello!

Vamos testar nossos conhecimentos sobre as orações condicionais?
Faça os exercícios e confira o quanto você aprendeu!

1.If you don’t go, __________ very angry.

a) I was
b) I feel
c) I am
d) I have been
e) I’ll be

2. If she had gone to the movies, __________.

a) she would have met Jane
b) she would like to call Jane
c) Jane would be busy
d) she might be sick now
e) Jane will be happy

3. In the sentence “If the criteria of quality become exacting, a canon may emerge …” the part in italics is a/an:

a) noun clause
b) relative clause
c) conditional clause
d) restrictive clause

4. In the sentence “If you haven’t tried a fresh brewed coffee in its natural state, you should give it a try.”, the IF clause indicates

a) a condition
b) a real situation
c) an imagined situation
d) a concession
e) a result

5. In the sentence “These can transmit the disease if they make contact with the mucus membranes (…)”, the IF clause indicates

a) a real possibility
b) a condition
c) a result
d) an imagined situation
e) a concession

6 .Put the verb into the correct first conditional form:

a) If I ________ (go) out tonight, I ____________ (go) to the Marissa’s house.
b) If they ____________ (say) that again, I ______________ (be) angry.
c) If we ____________ (not / see) our friends tomorrow, we ______________ (see) them next week.
d) If she ___________ (come) today, he _____________ (be) very surprised.
e) If you ____________ (stay) here, we ___________ (be) late.

7. Choose the grammatically CORRECT proposition to complete the blanks in the following sentence:

If he ____________ the basics of computers, he ____________ a better student.

a) learns – become
b) learning – will become
c) will learning – becomes
d) learns – will become
e) will learn – become

8. In the sentence “If you wrote about the international banking systems for bankers, your language and information would be more technical”, the author intends to transmit an idea of:

a) conclusion
b) addition
c) condition
d) comparison
e) contrast

9. Choose the correct alternative:

a) If they go to the cinema, I will (go / gone) too.
b) She (looks / will look) completely different if she cuts her hair.
c) You won't pass the course if you (don't / won't) study.
d) If my mother goes to Paris, she (has / will have) a very nice time.
e) If I leave now, I (will arrive / arrive) in São Paulo by 6:00 PM.


1 - e) I’ll be
2 - a) she would have met Jane
3 - c) conditional clause
4 - c) an imagined situation
5 - a) a real possibility
6 a) If I go out tonight, I'll go to the Marissa’s house.
   b) If they say that again, I'll be angry.
   c) If we don’t see our friends tomorrow, we'll see them next week.
   d) If she comes today, he'll be very surprised.
   e) If you stay here, we'll be late.
7 - d) learns – will become
8 - c) condition
9 - a) go
     b) look
     c) don't
     d) will have
     e) will arrive

E ai, acertou todas?
Caso precise retomar aos estudos, temos aqui os links das postagens anteriores:
Orações Condicionais
Orações condicionais sem o IF 

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