segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2018

Atividades - Present Perfect Continuous

Separamos algumas atividades com o Present Perfect Continuous para que você possa verificar sua aprendizagem.

1 - Mark the correct alternative that presents the Present Perfect Continuous’ structure:
Alice is reading books for the next test. She started two hours ago:

a) Alice has read books for the test.
b) Alice has been reading books for the test.
c) Alice has been read books for the test.
d) Alice has reading books for the test.

2 - Make the Present Perfect Continuous affirmative sentences:
a) I/ read all day.

b) They/ listen to music rarely.

c) We/ learn French for three years.

d) it/ snow the trees are wet.

3 - Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous right form.
a) You look wonderful! What ____________(you / do)?

b) How long __________________(you / wait) for me?

c) She is really tired. She ___________________(run).

d) My mobile phone ______________(ring) all the time.

4 - Complete the sentences with “since” or “for”.
a) Juan and Augustus have been learning French________ 2012.

b) Your mother has only been waiting ___________ 10 minutes. I promise!

c) They must to come! They haven't been on holiday ______ five years!

d) We haven't eaten anything __________ lunch.

5 - Complete as frases com os verbos no Present Perfect Continuous.
a) John _______ (study) English for six years.

b) Andrew and Michelle ________ (not see) each other for the past few weeks. They may have broken up.

c) You look tired. What ________ (you, do)?

d) Carla is soaked to the skin. She ________ (walk) in the rain.

e) The room smells terrible. Someone ________ (smoke) here.

f) How long _________ (you, wait) outside?

g) ________ (he, work) all day today?

h) Charles __________ (not study) much. That's why he doesn't know the answers to the questions.

i) Marie ________ (not water) the garden these days. Some of the plants are dying already.

j) I see you ________ (not smoke) recently. That's a good sign.

k) How long ________ (she, teach) at Oxford University?

l) The man is gasping for air. He ________ (run).

m) You know this city quite well. How long ________ (you, live) here?

n) Nigel ________ (not help) much. Julia has been doing most of the work.

o) The telephone ________ (ring) all day.

Vamos conferir as respostas?


2 - a) I have been reading all day.
b) They have been rarely listening to music.
c) We have been learning French for three years.
d) It has been snowing, the trees are wet.

3 - a) You look wonderful! What have you been doing?
b) How long have you been waiting for me?
c) She is really tired. She has been running.
d) My mobile phone has been ringing all the time.

4 - a) since
b) for
c) for
d) since

5 -  a) has been studying / 's been studying .
b) have not been seeing / haven't been seeing
c) have you been doing
d) She has been walking / 's been walking
e) has been smoking / 's been smoking
f)  have you been waiting
g) Has he been working
h) has not been studying / hasn't been studying
i)  has not been watering / hasn't been watering
j)  have not been smoking / haven't been smoking
k) has she been teaching
l)  He has been running / he's been running
m) How long have you been living
n) Nigel has not been helping / hasn't been helping
o) has been ringing / 's been ringing

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