terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018

Atividades - Past Continuous - Passado Contínuo

Separamos nesse post algumas atividades que podem contribuir para melhor entendimento sobre a utilização do Past Continuous.

Bons estudos!

1. Preencha as lacunas com o Past Continuous dos verbos em parênteses:

a) She _______ (watch) TV when he called.
b) When the phone rang, they _______ (write) a letter.
c) He ______ (study) while she _______ (make) dinner.
d) ______ (you/speak) English?
e) He _______ (play/not) football.

2. Qual das frases abaixo está no Past Continuous?

a) I was not at home when she arrived.
b) My father was worried about your job.
c) Melissa and Juan are happy.
d) We have been being lovers.
e) I was being evil with my mom.

3 - Complete as frases abaixo com o Past Continuous ou com o Simple Past:

a) Tom ________ (to get) ready when Gina _______ (to arrive).
b) When I _______ (to get) home last night my mother ___________ (to prepare) dinner.
c) We ____________ (to watch) a movie when the doorbell _______ (to ring).
d) He ___________ (to walk) the dog when he _______ (to meet) his sister.
e) They ________ (to leave) the concert while the singer ______ still _______ (to sing).

4 - Segundo o estudo sobre “Past continuous”, qual das alternativas a seguir está nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa?

a) She was think his all day long.
b) I'm studying for maths this morning.
c) Maysa was playing video game when I left.
d) We all were very confuse with this mess.
e) My mother was cook some bread.

5 - Qual das alternativas apresenta a estrutura correta do “Past continuous”?

a) verb to be (presente) + main verb + ing
b) verb to be (past) + to + main verb
c) verb to be (past) + main verb + ing
d) verb to be (present) + to + ing
e) verb to be (past) + ing

6) Complete as alternativas abaixo passando o verbo em parênteses para o “Past continuous”:

a) I _________________a very pleasant book last night. (to read)
b) He _________________ TV when his mother arrived. (to watch)
c) My father and my little brother ______________________ soccer yesterday. (to play)
d) My mother ___________________lunch with her friends last week. (to have)
e) They _____________________hard in their College project. (to work)

7 - Complete as interrogações abaixo usando o “Past Continuous”:

a) _______Rachel _____________ a new book? (read)
b)________they___________together yesterday? (work)
c)________he___________ to music? (listen)
d)________you _________street dance? (do)
e)________she __________her sister with her homework? (help)

Veja também Simple Present
Veja também Simple Past
Veja também Present Continuous

a) was watching, b) were writing, c) was studying... was making d) Were you speaking,
e) He was not playing (ou) He wasn't playing.
2 e).
3 a) Tom was getting ready when Gina arrived.
   b) When I got home last night my mother was preparing dinner.
   c) We were watching a movie when the doorbell rang.
   d) He was walking the dog when he met his sister.
   e) They left the concert while the singer was still singing.
4 c)
5 c)
6 a) was reading
   b) was watching
   c) were playing
   d) was having
   e) were working
7 a) Was / reading
   b) Were / working
   c) Was / listening
   d) Were/ doing
   e) Was/ helping

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