terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2018

Atividades - Pronome Pessoal (Personal Pronouns)

Se você sentiu alguma dificuldade com o emprego do Pronome Pessoal (Personal Pronouns), nesse post, temos alguns exercícios que podem ajudá-lo a compreender melhor.

Gabarito ao final da página.
Bons estudos!

1 - Choose the correct pronouns

a) This is Samuel. I go to school with________.
     (   ) he          (   )  him

b) ______ are going into town.
     (    )we         (    ) our 
c) Why are you looking at ______?
      (    ) I           (    ) me

d) _____ goes to the bed at nine o'clock
      (     ) she       (    ) her

e) This is Tom's piano. _____ plays it every day.
     (     )  he        (    ) him

f) These are my cats. Do you like _____?
     (    ) they       (     ) them

g) She told _____ an interesting story.
     (     ) I             (       ) me

h) I don't think we should wait form ________.
     (    ) he            (     ) him

i) I am angry with both of _____
     (   ) they        (     ) them

j) Do you like ______?
     (   ) they        (    ) them

k) Are ______ coming with us?
      (   ) they       (    ) them

l) It was very king of _____ to help us.
       (   )  she       (    ) her

m) Did she recognize _____?
      (    ) he          (    ) him

n) Did you speak to ______?
       (    ) she        (    ) her

2 -Use the correct personal pronoun. Watch the words in the brackets.

Example:   a) _________ often reads books. (Lisa)
                      She often reads books.

b) _________ is dreaming. (George)

c) _________ is green. (The blackboard)

d)  _________ are on the wall. (The posters)

e) _________ is running. (The dog)

f)  _________ are watching TV. (My mom and I)

g) _________ are in the garden. (The flowers)

h) _________ is riding his bike. (Tom)

i) _________ is from Bristol. (Diana)

j) _________ has got a brother. (Victoria)

3. Choose the correct pronoun.

a) _____ am sitting on the sofa.
    ( ) They          ( ) I                  ( ) You

b) _____ are watching TV.
   ( ) He              ( ) We             ( ) It

c) Are _____ from England?
   ( ) He              ( ) It                ( ) You

d) _____ is going home.
   ( ) He              ( ) I                  ( ) We

e) _____ are playing soccer.
   ( ) I                  ( ) They          ( ) He

f) _____ is a wonderful day today.
   ( ) I                  ( ) It                ( ) He

g) _____ are speaking English.
   ( ) He              ( ) We             ( ) Us

h) _____  are in the cinema.
   ( ) He              ( ) They          ( ) I

i) Is _______ Kevin’s sister?
   ( ) I                  ( ) It                ( ) She

4. Mark the correct pronoun in the sentence according to the underlined fragment.

a) The teacher always gives the students homework.
    ( ) me      ( ) them     ( ) they

b) I’m reading the book to my little sister.
    ( ) her      ( ) us        ( ) him       ( ) she      ( ) he

c) The boys are riding their bicycles.
    ( ) them    ( ) us       ( ) him       ( ) they     ( ) it

d) The boys are riding their bicycles. 
    ( ) them    ( ) us        ( ) him      ( ) they     ( ) he

e) My father is writing a letter to John.
    ( ) him      ( ) her       ( ) he        ( ) they      ( ) us

f) My father is writing a letter to John.
   ( ) him       ( ) her       ( ) he        ( ) they      ( ) us

g) Sally doesn’t know the answer.
    ( ) it          ( ) he        ( ) she       ( ) they     ( ) us

h) Sally doesn’t know the answer.
    ( ) it          ( ) he        ( ) she       ( ) they      ( ) us

i) Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?
    ( ) it          ( ) he        ( ) them     ( ) they      ( ) us

j) Mary will help my sister and me.
    ( ) we       ( ) her       ( ) she       ( ) they      ( ) us

k) Mary will help my sister and me. 
    ( ) we       ( ) her       ( ) she       ( ) they      ( ) us

l) The books are for Peter.
    ( ) they     ( ) her       ( ) she       ( ) he         ( ) him

m) The books are for Peter. 
    ( ) they     ( ) her       ( ) It           ( ) we        ( ) its

n) Open the window, please?
    ( ) they     ( ) her       ( ) it           ( ) he         ( ) us

Gabarito: 1 - a) him, b) we, c) me, d) she, e) he, f) them, g) me, h) him, i) them, j) them, k) they, l) her, m) him, n) her.
2 - b) he, c) it, d) they, e) it, f) we, g) they, h) he, i) she, j) she.
3 - a) I, b) we, c) you, d) he, e) they, f) it, g) we, h) they i) she
4 - a) them, b) her, c) them, d) they, e) him, f) he, g) it, h) she, i) them, j) us, k) she, l) him, m) they, n) it
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